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bullets don\'t come back
les balles ne reviennent pas  detail>>
don't bother to come back
bonjour et non au revoir  detail>>
gimme back my bullets
gimme back my bullets  detail>>
come back
revenir, retourner; rentrer  detail>>
come back and stay
come back and stay  detail>>
come back to erin
come back to erin  detail>>
come back to life
 v.  renaître, ressusciter  detail>>
come back to me
come back to me  detail>>
come back to stay
come back to stay  detail>>
come back, africa
come back, africa  detail>>
i won\'t come back
ia nie vernus  detail>>
sometimes they come back
cours, jimmy, cours  detail>>
sometimes they come back (film)
vengeance diabolique  detail>>
sometimes they come back... again
les enfants du diable  detail>>
sometimes they come back... for more
le diable des glaces  detail>>
the day the ponies come back
the day the ponies come back  detail>>
a grand don\'t come for free
a grand don't come for free  detail>>
don\'t come easy
don't come easy  detail>>